How to Pick a Mutual Fund – Fees
Investing /The reason fees are so important to avoid is because they reduce your rate of return. Instead of this money going into your account, it gets siphoned off to the fund company or a financial adviser.
Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth
The reason fees are so important to avoid is because they reduce your rate of return. Instead of this money going into your account, it gets siphoned off to the fund company or a financial adviser.
Picking the type of mutual fund that is right for your financial situation is no easy chore, especially for the novice investor. So, I have provided a basic run-down of the options available and their investment characteristics.
I have been pretty successful in picking mutual funds. Most of the funds I have owned over 25 years have outperformed their corresponding indices.
There are a number of key reasons I invest in mutual funds and I strongly recommend them to other investors.
An article in the New York Times (via Yahoo Finance) stated that there is a $1 Trillion dollar public pension shortfall.