Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

The Big Short Squeeze

Investing, Regulation /

I am absolutely loving the drama unfolding right now with GameStop and other highly-shorted stocks.  The FED, SEC and White House are literally freaking out that a bunch of retail investors could band together on a social media group and take down big hedge funds in a classic short-squeeze.  Here is how it happened. It’s …

My Take on the Brexit

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So, the votes are in and the dust has settled.  The citizens of England have voted to leave the EU, by a very small margin of 52%.  There are lots of messy details to sort out and the analysts on TV are all buzzing.  I’m a typical American with a limited global perspective, but I …

My Take on High Frequency Trading

Investing, Regulation /

Just in case you haven’t watched the financial news lately, everyone is up in arms about High Frequency Trading. HFT is employed by financial firms with superfast computers, who can execute stock trades much faster than retail investors.

Cyprus Banks Seize Customer Deposits

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A financial catastrophe happened in the world today and most people hardly noticed. As part of a European bailout agreement, the country of Cyprus froze depositor’s bank accounts and will seize part of their assets.