Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

What’s your Favorite Side-Hustle?

I just wanted to post a shout-out to all the moonlighters, side-hustlers and gigsters.  Anyone who has followed this blog knows I’ve been side-hustling since the 80s to get ahead.  In fact, the past five years has been the longest I’ve ever went without a side-gig in my career.  That’s what happens to your ambition when your day job hits six-figures and eating dinner with your family sounds better than going from one job to the next.  To be honest, my day job was pretty grueling all by itself, combined with a lengthy commute.  So, I wasn’t exactly slacking.

Getting FIREd Up

Image by Dominic Simpson

Lately, I’ve gotten the itch to get back into the game and make some extra money.  I’m loving my day job, but I wouldn’t mind speeding up the clock towards my FIRE date.  After all, who wants to sit in a cube until they’re 67 years old and hope they have enough to retire?  I’m planning to go out early and I definitely don’t want to run out of money when I’m old and feeble.  I want to travel and see the world, while I’m still healthy enough to get around.

It’s a crazy concept to give up more time now to buy time for later, but that’s what I’m up to.  If it all works out, I will save most of the extra money to get ahead.  I won’t only be banking money; I will be banking time, by buying my financial independence that much sooner.  It will offer some flexibility too.  I could keep the day job, keep the side-gig and semi-retire or ditch both jobs and completely retire, depending on what works best for me.

What’s your Side-Hustle?

That’s enough about me and my dreams.  What’s your favorite side-hustle and why are you doing it?  Are you driving for Uber, working online or just picking up extra shifts?  Why are you side-hustling?  Are you trying to get ahead, trying to pay down debt or trying to transition to a new career?  How is it going and are you happy with it?

Let me know what you are up to in the comments below.

“As the economy is shifting, you need to have legitimate and creative sources of extra income. There are opportunities available that people have been using for years now.”

– Franklin Gillette

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