Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

Take Your Life Back

By every measure, I have had an amazing September.  I traveled almost the entire month, visited a half dozen of my childhood friends and saw many exciting new places and things.  So why am I feeling down all the sudden?  As soon as I got back, I had to visit my friend in the ER and he’s not doing so well.  He was supposed to go with us on the fishing trip in Colorado, but he got sick and couldn’t make it.  By the time I got back, he was in the hospital, fighting for his life.  He’s doing much better today, but he still not getting out of the hospital any time soon.

Time is Running Out

Back in February, when I was wavering back and forth about whether I should retire or get a job, I was mostly thinking about money.  I was worried if I could make it or not on the money I had saved.  I never stopped to consider that my time and health were infinitely more valuable than money.  I can always make more money, but I can never make more time or set the clock back on my health.  Time really is running out on our lives, whether we are in our 20s or our 60s.  It’s just not as obvious when we are young.  We are more than happy to sell our time to pay our bills, because we have a whole lifetime ahead of us.  As we age, we start to see the clock running out and we realize exactly how precious time and health are.  If we are lucky, we figure it out before it’s too late.

Free Yourself and Your Mind

When I worked in the corporate world, I was dedicated to my employers, and took my responsibilities seriously.  I had an important job, believed in the mission, and knew I was making a difference at work.  What I didn’t realize at the time was my last two companies were about to close down, and all of my effort and achievements would become irrelevant.  I’m not bitter about this because it became a life-changing experience for me.  I would have never left my companies if they were still in business.  I would still be sitting in a desk, worrying about their problems.

Now that I have retired from corporate life, I have freed myself from the notion of being indentured to an employer and started living for myself instead.  I became the master of my own destiny and chose freedom over comfort.  I wake up every morning thankful for my new life and wondering how I can improve the lives of others.  My new business endeavors are fun and exciting.  My new prospects are practically unlimited.  I no longer allow others to set my schedule, pay or priorities.  I’m not on call 7×24 for a company.  I’m looking back now wondering how I ever lived like I did before.  I’m wondering why it took me so long to figure this out, but I’m very grateful I have.

The Bottom Line

Freedom is a choice, and it has associated costs.  Employment is also a choice with associated costs.  Choose wisely if you wish to have the life you have always dreamed about.  Time is running out and opportunities present themselves to those who are open to seizing them.  Your life is precious and it belongs entirely to you.

“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.”Robert Tew

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