Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

Rainy Days Come at the Worst Time

I have always been sunny and optimistic.  But, I have been to a lot of funerals lately and it’s got me feeling down.  Last week, a good friend of mine lost his 28 year old son.  It was completely unexpected and it hit everyone hard.  To make things even worse, the family wasn’t prepared financially for all of the expenses.  The rainy days will certainly come and usually at the worst possible time.

Accidents & Emergencies

Woman in Rain
Image by Ashraful Kadir

If you are doing something you know is risky and the worst happens, is that an accident?

If you are unprepared for something you know is likely to happen, is that an emergency?

My point is that most accidents and emergencies can be avoided or at least mitigated, with just a little foresight.  Layoffs, illness and unexpected expenses are a normal part of life.  They aren’t accidents and they shouldn’t become an emergency.  Just a small amount of money put into an emergency fund could help you at the worst possible moment of their life.  A couple thousand dollars put away could save you from becoming homeless during a layoff.  It’s not that hard to put some money away, yet many people won’t do it.  Don’t be that guy.

Why suffer an emergency that can be avoided with an emergency fund?

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that rain can be quite pleasant, when you live your life under an umbrella.  Instead of shivering while you are soaked to the bone, you can listen to the music of the falling rain.  Money helps a lot if you have it when you need it.

“The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.”

Colin Wilson

Recommended Reading

Money Counselor – To Save Enough Start Early
Squirrelers – Managing Cash Flow
Invest it Wisely – Basic Rules to Make Savings with Little Effort

3 thoughts on “Rainy Days Come at the Worst Time

  • Its amazing what we can do with a little foresight and putting just something small over time into an emergency fund. It might seem like an inconvenience at first but when it sure does help us sleep better at night knowing we can weather some of the curveballs life throws us.
    Money sure does help if you have it when you actually need it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Simon.

      It really is amazing how comforting it is to have an emergency fund. Just to not have to stress and worry over money problems is worth way more than the things that money could have bought.

      I was laid off for 6 months during the dotcom bust in 2001. I never had to worry about feeding my family or losing my house. The emergency fund allowed me to search for a new job without being desperate.

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