Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

Economic Trends Affecting Americans

Economy /

There are some very disturbing trends that seem to be gaining momentum. These trends could have a negative effect on our ability to compete in the world marketplace.

My Visit with a Financial Advisor

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Every couple of years, I am approached by someone who has recently become employed in the financial services industry.  This is usually a friend or former coworker, who is working through their warm market, looking for candidates to sell financial products.  This year, the approach seems to have evolved, because I was contacted via Facebook.  I immediately suspected …

Five Huge Money Pitfalls

Getting Started /

This is my favorite time of the year.  Not only has summer arrived, but it’s graduation season.  It’s my chance to impart some nuggets of wisdom onto impressionable graduates.  To those who seem genuinely interested, I usually provide a brief run-down of the five most important things to avoid. 1. Divorce According to DivorceRate.org, it …