Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

The Greater Fool Theory

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The Greater Fool Theory is based on the belief that even if you pay more than an item is worth, you can always sell it to someone else for even more.

Investing in a Shaky Market

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A shaky stock market can scare investors away at precisely the time when they should be investing. A booming stock market can lure investors in at precisely the time when they should be selling.

How to Profit from the January Effect

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For those of you who aren’t familiar with The January Effect or a Santa Claus Rally, it is caused by investors who sell at the end of the year for tax purposes and then buy again in January.

Control Your Own Finances

Getting Started, Investing /

For some, it’s hard to admit they need help with their finances. For others, they are happy to delegate this responsibility. No matter how you feel about your finances, it’s critical to retain control.

10 Things I Learned From Investing

Getting Started, Investing /

When I started out with my very first investment, I was “recommended” a mutual fund with an 8.5% front-end load. For those who aren’t familiar with a load, this meant that for every $100 I invested, only $91.50 made it into my account.