Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

4 Important Lessons on Investing

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MySpace, king of the social networks just a few short years ago, sold for a paltry $35 million this week. News Corp. bought MySpace for $580 million in 2005, which pencils out to a 94% loss. I won’t invest in Facebook, Twitter or most other online businesses and here are 4 important reasons why.

Lessons from the Iraqi Dinar Scam

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According to my friend, I can buy Iraqi Dinar for pennies each and they will be worth a couple dollars each, as soon as the UN recognizes the Iraqi currency.

The Economic Crisis is the Best Thing that Ever Happened to Us

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This is a guest post by Rob Bennett.  Rob often writes on behavioral finance on the Passion Saving blog.  You can learn more about Rob’s background on his bio page. You get fired. You’re feeling very, very, very down. And scared about the future. What do your friends tell you? They tell you that someday you will look back …

How to Pick a Mutual Fund – Risk

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Investing always involves some risk and there’s no way to avoid it completely. The trick is to keep the risk to your principal as low as possible, while still bringing in a return that makes your investments grow.