Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

Surviving Hard Times

Getting Started /

I had dinner this week with a good friend who has been unemployed for a prolonged period of time.  He is bright, talented, enthusiastic and well educated. He is also getting up there in age and has been unfortunate enough to work for a series of companies that have failed. So, he is having a hard time getting …

Top 10 Reasons to Buy a House

Real Estate /

Everyone is down on real estate as an investment right now.  But, this dismal real estate market is exactly what investors have been waiting for.  And, it’s exactly what home buyers should be hoping for.  Here is an affordable chance to purchase what could be the best investment you will ever make. Some people will disagree with me.  …

Buy Low and Sell High

Investing /

Every Investor’s Dream Every investor dreams about finding the next great stock, like a Walmart or a Google.  If you are an old school investor like me, you may be thinking about finding a “10-bagger”, as Peter Lynch would call it.  Picking just one great stock could change your entire fortune. Why this Rarely Happens …