Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

Imagine a Life without Debt

Debt /

Have you ever stopped to calculate how much you pay in interest every month? If you are like most American families, it’s probably at least a $1,000 per month and it could be a lot more.

The High Cost of Entertainment

Finances /

A night on the town or a weekend get away can quickly add up to clobber your budget. The real trick is finding affordable entertainment, so you can enjoy the moment, without stressing over the cost.

The Wisdom of Sir John Templeton

My Favorites /

They would be living in the Bahamas, quietly amassing a fortune from their portfolio. That describes the life of Sir John Templeton, a true financial guru.

Memo to Government: Cut Spending

Economy /

America may be heading toward some very difficult times ahead. And, the primary reason is that our Government, at all levels, has spent us into ruin.