Do you have Misplaced Money Values?
Finances /It’s very hard to make, manage and enjoy money, if someone has personal values that conflict with the reality of wealth.
Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth
It’s very hard to make, manage and enjoy money, if someone has personal values that conflict with the reality of wealth.
True to their nature, the Japanese are taking a proactive approach to solving their own problems. There will be many valuable lessons learned from this tsunami to help the people of Japan prepare for the next one.
Some of the people I know who were making buckets of money a couple of years ago are going through some hard times. And, some of my closest friends have become the victim of layoffs.
This weekend, as I was saying “No” to a Walmart credit card for the hundredth time, I noticed a quota board behind the head cashier. It appears each cashier in the San Clemente store “Must Have 15 C/Cards Daily!”.
I have been predicting for years government budget problems would finally boil over into a crisis. This is starting to play out in states like Wisconsin, Ohio and New Jersey. California, which has severe budget problems, is considering major layoffs of public employees. The scope of these problems is well beyond superficial budget cuts. And, …
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