The High Cost of Automobiles
Finances /One thing that has defined Americans for the past 100 years is our love of automobiles. We went from cowboys riding horses to commuters driving cars, because freedom is the American way of life.
Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth
One thing that has defined Americans for the past 100 years is our love of automobiles. We went from cowboys riding horses to commuters driving cars, because freedom is the American way of life.
I read a story in Yahoo Finance that stated Americans should get used to living on less permanently. The author’s contention was that government deficits and mismanagement could lower our standard of living for a long time to come.
It’s very hard to make, manage and enjoy money, if someone has personal values that conflict with the reality of wealth.
True to their nature, the Japanese are taking a proactive approach to solving their own problems. There will be many valuable lessons learned from this tsunami to help the people of Japan prepare for the next one.
The first step in solving any problem is recognizing it. In the case of financial problems, that requires some honesty.