Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

Memo to Government: Cut Spending

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America may be heading toward some very difficult times ahead. And, the primary reason is that our Government, at all levels, has spent us into ruin.

Economic Trends Affecting Americans

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There are some very disturbing trends that seem to be gaining momentum. These trends could have a negative effect on our ability to compete in the world marketplace.

Exposing Government Scamflation

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Scamflation (n) – 1. Erosion of our purchasing power by devaluation of the dollar  2. Printing vast amounts of money to cover deficit spending  3. Manipulating the inflation rate to avoid increases in bond interest Inflation’s Harsh Reality I read an interesting post over at the OnlineInvestingAI blog, where George reviews a book called How to Profit from …

Day of Reckoning is at Hand

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As Greece denigrates into murderous rioting and the rest of Europe braces for an ever-widening bailout, the day of reckoning is finally at hand.