Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

Money Fail: Lenders of Last Resort

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Whenever I think of Lenders of Last Resort, I think of Gary Coleman and Montell Williams. I also think of the Payday Loan stores, conveniently located downtown and next to military bases. They are waiting for a weak moment in someone’s life to entice a new customer.

Walmart Credit Card Quotas

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This weekend, as I was saying “No” to a Walmart credit card for the hundredth time, I noticed a quota board behind the head cashier. It appears each cashier in the San Clemente store “Must Have 15 C/Cards Daily!”.

Imagine a Life without Debt

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Have you ever stopped to calculate how much you pay in interest every month? If you are like most American families, it’s probably at least a $1,000 per month and it could be a lot more.