Hope to Prosper

Simple Practices that Lead to Wealth

Quick Tips for a Better Life

Getting Started /

Spend some of your spare time increasing your income. Pay off any consumer debt or loans as quickly as possible. Don’t buy anything you don’t need or can’t afford. Pay your bills promptly and in the most efficient manner.

Living Large on what you Earn

Finances /

Despite the downturn in the economy, most wealthy people are still living pretty large. This happens throughout history. The working classes lose the most in a recession, while the wealthy seem to ride it out in style.

The 10-20-70 Plan for Paying Off Debt

Debt /

I recently had a conversation with someone who was trying to pay off student loans and credit cards, while still trying to lead a normal life. His comment was “whenever I talk about going on a budget, everyone in my family gets upset and calls me a cheapskate”.